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Annual Awards

The RCYC annual awards are presented in January at the Commodores' Ball. Some of the more “interesting” ones are largely dependent on the input of the membership throughout the year. Others are voted on by the membership attending meetings in December or January, and there are others that are decided on by the Bridge.

Here are the categories:

Yachtsperson of the Years
(Awarded infrequently) To the person who has contributed SERVICE TO THE CLUB in major ways over an extended period.

Yachtsperson of the Year
To the person who has helped other mariners in a most significant way, or who has contributed to boating within the club in an exemplary way.

Outstanding Club Member of the Year
To the person who has given outstanding service to the Clubs' well being in a non-boating way.

Fisherperson of the Year
To the person who has caught the largest fish and has “proof”.

Rock Crawler
To the person who has run his/her boat aground. (Worst example).

Webbed Foot
To the person who has fallen into the water one or more times. (Best example).

Best Decorated Yacht
To the best decorated Yacht participating in the Ladner Carol Ship Cruise.

PHOTOGRAPHY (Best photo in each of the following categories)

  1. Marine Scenery
  2. Marine People  (Club functions or marine interest)
  3. Marine General  (Action, animal, wildlife, fun events etc.)

Nominations should be submitted to the Rear Commodore no later than the first week of January before the Bridge Meeting.
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