Cruising Information
This section contains a selection of articles and photo galleries published over the years covering cruising on the Coast.
Click on links below to navigate to the article/gallery you are interested in.
General Information
West Coast - Vancouver Island
2015 Cruise to Barkley Sound
In July, 2015 an intrepid group of adventurers left on a cruise to Barkley Sound. The cruise included, "Noteworthy", "Sea Cabana", "Gulf Return", "Kirei", "Moon Star", and "La Serina Gorda" and was led by "Noteworthy".
The flotilla started in Ganges and everyone agreed it was an unforgettable experience and they were glad they did it.
2014 Circumnavigating Vancouver Island
This story by members Lynn and Don McGill who in the summer of 2014 cruised to Princess Louisa Inlet then continued around Vancouver Island. It is a very interesting story with a lot of practical information on cruising this area.
Also, watch their video rounding Cape Scott.
North Vancouver Island
2016 Broughtons
RCYC Broughton Islands Flotilla Trip, July 23 to August 14, 2016
After much anticipation and preparation, we departed Ladner harbour with 3 boats...
Cruising the Broughtons
Practical Guide to Cruising the Broughtons Updated to March, 2021 - By: Gary and Catherine Russell
2015 Trip to Glendale Cove
In August 2015, Don and Lynn McGill took a trip to Glendale Cove in Knight Inlet to see grizzly bears.
These photos were taken Aug. 2015 at Glendale Cove by Lynn. Later in the year when the salmon are running up to 44 bears can be seen in this area.
Beyond Cape Caution
2015 Beyond the Broughtons
In the summer of 2015 Gary and Catherine Russell cruised to Ocean Falls. Along the way they kept pilothouse notes to record the trip and to provide information for further visits. They have expanded on the basic notes to make them into a story format.
2019 Great Bear Rainforest
In 2019, "Lone Wolf" again went north to the Great Bear Rainforest. This trip took about 65 days and the attached document is a well documented story of their trip.
It is well worth taking the time to read both as an adventure story and as valuable information if you are planning a similar trip.
2015 Goose Bay Rivers Inlet
"Full Moon" cruised to Goose Bay Cannery and surrounding area in 2015. They had also cruised here in 2013.
Here is their very informative and interesting story.
2012 Haida Gwaii Cruise
In the summer of 2012 three RCYC vessels completed a two month cruise from the Vancouver area to Haida Gwaii.
These 92 photos, taken by Lynn McGill, cover the highlights of their trip. Enjoy!