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Club Traditions
Commodore's Ball
The Commodore's Ball is one of the two mandatory events of the year. It is the formal mark of respect and recognition to the outgoing Commodore. All members are encouraged to attend this function, as are member guests. If you are not able to attend, a letter to the Commodore excusing yourself is in order.
As a formal event, members are required to dress accordingly. Blue blazer with R. C. Y. C. crest, Grey trousers, White shirt, and a Blue tie is appropriate for the men. Formal evening wear is appropriate for female attendees. (Jacket and Tie is required dress for non-member male attendees.)
Sail Past
The Sail Past is one of the two mandatory events of the year. It is the formal mark of respect and recognition to our current Commodore. All members are encouraged to attend on their own vessels or as guests aboard others, so that a good turnout of the membership is on hand for the event. If unable to attend, an email to the current Commodore and current Rear Commodore excusing you is in order.
Boat owners are encouraged to attach dress flags to their vessels. (RCYC has a set of dress flags for the Commodore's use). Members are required to wear “Dress Whites” for this occasion. A Blue blazer (with RCYC crest for members), white shirt, white trousers/slacks and a suitable hat is appropriate for members and guests.
Fleet Captain will lead the column past the Commodore on the Commodores’ starboard side for the “Formal Salute”. The salute is first given by the Skipper of the approaching vessel when he is abeam the Commodores’ vessel, the Commodore returns the salute. The Canadian Flag, which is at the stern, is dipped. Once the vessels are past the Commodore, the column will circle wide to starboard in a line down river.
How to Salute:
The Canadian flag is the only flag used for saluting. There are three methods of saluting.
The Canadian flag to half-staff; pause for five seconds; return to full hoist.
Stand at attention by stern staff facing vessel to be saluted; gather flag in hand and hold against staff for five seconds; release flag.
Remove flag from socket; hold flag in a horizontal position for five seconds; return to socket.
(Taken from the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron)
General Information
Flag Rules: Canadian National Flag - Stern Staff
Yacht Club Burgee - Bow Staff
Officers Flags - Masthead
Squadron Pennant - Port Shroud/Spreader
CPS Flag* - Stern Shroud /Spreader
(*Canadian Power and Sail Squadron)
Only one flag, pennant or burgee may be flown on any staff or halyard. If more than one is designated for a position, then the one most suitable for the occasion should be flown.
Size of Flags
The flag size is determined by the length of the fly.
Canadian Flag - One inch fly to one-foot length of the vessel. (i.e.: 38ft. vessel flies a 38 inch flag).
CPS Flag power - 5/8-inch fly to one-foot length vessel.
Sail - 1/2-inch fly for each foot of the highest masthead above the water.
Squadron Pennant - The length of the hoist on the pennant must not be greater than the length of the hoist on the CPS Flag flying at the same time.
Officers Flag and Club Burgees- Same as CPS Flag.
An owner or master flies a flag; the vessel wears a flag. Colours are made when the flag is hoisted, and lowered at sunset.
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